My name is ARTaY and creating digital spam is just a hobby alongside my full-time job to relieve my thoughts. The commercial aspect of marketing and selling these items is something I still need to learn. So far, only airdrops of the items below have been released.
The only collection so far available not only digitally, but also as offline cards! These CBD Canna Cards are manufactured for a online platform that sells cannabis and are given free to customers with every order.

This collection serves as a tribute to the start of my NFT adventure. Unfortunately, this crypto adventure has not yet made me independent of work, but has led to this text on this website with my creations for which I am grateful to all blockchain projects!
Visit website: CryptoCardsTCG.com

This beautiful plant has brought me much peace and relaxation over the years. Thanks to the miraculous effects of this Divine plant, it is a lot easier for yours truly to walk around this globe. For this important role, I want to immortalize strains in the blockchain once and for all!

The blockchain world sometimes feels like something magical. Unfortunately the last few years more black than white magic, with all the yields, apy and ‘stable’ coins and that’s why this collection. So for balance you will find a positive magical vibe for the blockchain packed into this digital card collection.

Because the current blockchain world is a sodom and gomorrah, I am attempting with this Bible NFT collection to once again bring balance and bring more light to the blockchain world. Each verse will be translated into a digital NFT with the goal of bringing everyone a little closer to the origin again in this quantum system.

A parody collection for the old money guard who would like to understand blockchain and NFT but can’t and therefore call it a crypto bubble. As if the blockchain atmosphere is different from the current non-blockchain economy and markets….

Purely for entertainment a collection of TRYPPYZ cards that will make you float away from this planet. Also, the speed of these cards seems to bring peace to persons whose heads go faster than the speed of light. A kind of digital fidget spinner, so to speak. This 1st generation contains 100 different TRYPPYZ cards.

As a game enthusiast, there is of course nothing more beautiful than making NFTs about this topic. The NFTs below are linked to an original game from the ’80s, ’90s or ’00s. So every game ConsolesNFT sells comes with a free NFT!

Ordinals Creatures is a project for everyone to enjoy as a thank you for the past year of enjoying ordinals with many of you!
Visit website: OrdinalsCreatures.io

Within this invisible dimension, every Ordinals Creature has an ORDIMON soul dwelling around. As trainer from an Ordinals Creature it is up to you to explore the Ordinals Realms and search for the ORDIMON connected to each Ordinals Creature!

Who doesn’t love those good old days, when everything was different and the world seemed a much better place. This collection is to relive that nostalgic feeling of the good old days.

One of my defects is that I am incredibly crazy about Nike sneakers. And especially Nike Air Max Models. The bigger the bubble the better! In honor of this deviation, I created the SNKRS collection with which I have the goal of being able to buy a new pair of Air Max. After all, you never have enough air bubbles!

From time to time, a good plot is not at all wrong. It helps to shift the mind for a moment and let the imagination run wild. This collection serves to give the stories from the depths of the worldwide web, a place.

Because there are so many projects, NFTs and tokens available, you actually never have enough. To overcome the urge for more, this collection was created.

Ordinals are bad for us and the worst case for every blockchain. Ordinals should at all costs be limited to zero and future protocol updates from the blockchain should avoid data inscriptions and mark them as spam!

No other man running around in the blockchain world has caused as much commotion as Sir Wright. In honor of his role within the blockchain world, and particularly the entertainment that has resulted from it over the past few years, this collection was created.

This collection is a tribute to the most eccentric persons of all time, Mister Elon Musk! There is no public person who has done more for blockchain in the past year than Mister Musk! This has made a lot of people think and look at blockchain differently for which who wanders around in the blockchain caverns should be very grateful for.

Quite a few singularities are taking place against humanity within this quantum system. Of course, nothing happens without a valid reason, however, this does not always want to make it tolerable. This collection serves to reflect on the criminality under which humanity suffers.

For every popular video, music or game cover, there is a remake that could relate to today’s blockchain world. This collection will attempt to bridge the gap between classics and today’s world.